Travel in luxury and comfort
This practical and cleverly designed stroller has mesh panels on the 3 sides and top. It features roller blinds on both the access door, the top of the stroller, and the front side for added privacy. Inside the stroller, there’s a safety leash to make sure your beloved pet doesn’t jump out, and the soft, removable, washable pad provides extra comfort.
Driving this stroller is child’s play, and going for a walk from now on will always be enjoyable. This lightweight wheelchair is extremely compact and easy to maneuver thanks to its swivel wheels and soft, solid tires. The aluminum handle folds telescopically but the stroller continues to move horizontally, so your pet can stay comfortable throughout the ride.
Don’t need wheels? Just carry your pet in the bag with the comfortable suspenders. Another advantage is that the stroller folds flat in a matter of seconds. If you’re planning to go on a trip, it’s just perfect!
There are also useful pockets for bottled water in the back of the carrier.